VEGA Instruments - B2B manufacturing marketing
Massive marketing optimization effort for manufacturer
Everything about German sensor manufacturer VEGA says "accuracy", except their marketing. Struggling with clunky marketing software and unclear sales materials, we worked with VEGA to dig them out of a marketing mess.

Top-to-bottom marketing cleanup
VEGA Instruments is a German-based manufacturer of industrial smart sensors. We worked with their Canadian division to clarify their product offering, better support their sales team, and develop better marketing visibility for their team.

VEGA Canada faced several marketing challenges. First, their data lacked integrity. Many records in their CRM were inaccurate, poorly segmented, or incomplete. Their sales team felt unsupported by marketing, and their marketing materials were often clumsily translated from German.
We worked with members of VEGA’s team from leadership to admin and support to build out better processes, clean up their CRM data, segment their customers into accurate and meaningful lists, and provide superior sales resources to close more deals.
- CRM: Audit, review, tiering and optimization to generate and measure true marketing efforts and results
- Sales: Playbook for sales team, sales enablement and meeting handbooks to bridge the gap with marketing and ensure optimal flow of information to increase revenue.
- Brand: Awareness increased through sellers’ vehicule branding, personable videos, and innovative trade show design.

“The work BlackBean has done for us looks great. It’s really neat, it’s professional, and it’s creative.” – General Manager, VEGA Instruments Canada Ltd.